Non destructive testing with an

Aircraft-delivered paraglider deployment system

Watch the process used for one test, loven CRW.

October 17, 2010 Success facilitated by the talents of others
and a familiar device.

The task was to get some info on paraglider opening characteristics from confinement and at increased rates of descent. The round (platform) needed some modifications = delays. A familiar alternative for the transfer was a crew stack. A phone call set in motion the elements of today's success. Much thanks to a top CReW-dog for the platforms of these jump's. One team member sat this one out and shot from the ground, but thanks go to WJ just the same, as with the others, for all the days prior in practice and preparation.

Utilizaton of the deployment system has many benifits in the accomplishment of non destructive testing.


Pictures from video shot by Curtis of azarsenal.
And to wrap-up an awesome test jump,
that involved no wrap'n outside the plane,
this great shot,, thanks WJ!

Video viewable under 'paraaz07' on youtube.

Contact the para-swap team with your wing testing requests.

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